
Great job, Canada! U. S. Canada has the third highest educational level in the world!
发表时间:2020-04-08     阅读次数:     字体:【

Recently, there is good news from Canada! Best countries for education ranked third in the list of countries with the HIGHEST EDUCATIONAL STANDARDS IN THE WORLD! My Canada ~ and this latest study is from USNEWS and their partner Y & AMP; R's BAV and the The Wharton School. The report ranks 80 countries in the world as a whole based on 75 different indicators. The ranking measures three key areas: according to the report, Canada is widely recognized by students. Here are the top five countries in the 2019 top 20: The full list: 1. United Kingdom 2. United States 3. Canada 4. Germany 5. France 6. Australia 7. Switzerland 8. Sweden 9. Japan 10. Netherlands 11. Denmark 12. Norway 13. New Zealand 14. Belgium 15. Finland 16. Italy will kill you. Ireland 18. Spain 19. Luxembourg 20. I wonder if everyone in Singapore is very proud

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